Adaptation course for international nursing staff

You have learned or studied a nursing profession abroad. The state of Saxony-Anhalt has issued you a "Defizitbescheid" (Notice of Partial Recognition). You now need further training to qualify for work in Germany? Then take a look at this offer.


You will take part in a 9-month adaptation course. Theoretical and practical content will be taught, and internships in various nursing facilities will help you acquire practical skills and abilities. By the end of the program, you will have the necessary skills to obtain a professional license as a "nursing specialist".


You need the "Defizitbescheid" (Notice of Partial Recognition) of the responsible authority in Saxony-Anhalt.

Please enquire about the next start date.

This offer is not part of the IQ support program.

Contact "FIT-Ausbildungs-Akademie gGmbH"

Titelfoto: © Silke Paustian